Volunteering is such a great way to build connections and make an impact on our world. Our lives can be transformed by building mutual relationships with others through volunteer experiences. It’s also a great way to gain skills and experience for the workforce.
We are currently seeking volunteers to serve in a number of ways:
If you are interested in any of these, please send us an email: contact@maranathahealth.org
There are lots of other ways you can give your time in Australia to help make MH a really effective and high quality organisation. The sky is the limit – one couple recorded a CD and gave the proceeds to MH, another volunteer made quilts for us to sell at an event, and another who is an artist created educational images to be used in communities in Uganda.
We’d love to hear from you about your passions and ideas and see what we can do together contact@maranathahealth.org.
Volunteering overseas can be an incredible and life-changing experience. Maranatha Health's overseas volunteer program seeks to complement and enhance the local organisation, fill skill-gaps and build capacity. As such, it is largely geared towards medical placements. MH looks for volunteers with specific expertise to fill a gap (see below for latest positions) and this is determined on a needs basis by the Ugandan Management Team. If you have specific skills that you think MH Uganda could benefit from (such as paediatrics, dietetics etc.), we can add your name and expertise to our volunteer register, and contact you if a need arises. We also welcome medical students wanting to do an overseas placement. Please get in touch with us to register your interest: liesl.shipard@maranathahealth.org
Download our Impact Volunteers flyer
Because both cross cultural work and aid work can be high risk activities, and we are working with very vulnerable people, we have a solid screening and preparation process that volunteers must go through, to ensure maximum readiness for the placement and maximum benefit to the volunteer and the organisation. This flow chart provides an outline of the process:
MH want to use its time and resources in the ways we know will most directly benefit the people of Western Uganda. Hosting volunteers takes an incredible amount of work and energy, and if done poorly can be disastrous for vulnerable communities. Because of this MH does not usually provide general, unskilled volunteer placements/experiences. As a side, but very important note, there is a growing market for 'voluntourism', which can have significantly negative impacts on poor communities.
Here are some links to organisations that have excellent short and long term volunteer and/or exposure programs:
Tear Australia www.tear.org.au/act/deeps/
Red Cross www.redcross.org.au/volunteer-overseas.aspx
Interserve Australia www.interserve.org.au/
Australia: Board Member, International Development
Position: Board Member, International Development
Employment type: Voluntary
Key responsibilities
Our Directors are compassionate individuals committed to working towards a more just and equitable
world. They bring a diverse and impressive range of knowledge, qualifications and experience to
Maranatha Health Australia.
Expressions of interest are sought from individuals who wish to join our Board with responsibilities to:
No specific education is required by Board members, though qualifications and experience in NFP
Governance and / or International Development related fields are highly desirable for this position.
Click here formore information about the Maranatha Health Board
Apply via email with CV attached to board@maranathahealth.org
Uganda: Long-term Doctor
Position: Doctor / Paediatrician
Employment type: Voluntary / Living allowance
Key responsibilities:
This role is focused on providing curative and preventative health services, especially in the area of maternal and child health. The key responsibilities include:
Education and experience
We are seeking a doctor/s with an interest in developing world medicine to join a clinical team. GPs, physicians or paediatricians would be ideal but generalists with experience for three or more years in training programs would be suitable.
We are looking for volunteer doctor for a period of 3 months to 12 months.
If you are interested in finding out more about this role, please be in touch: volunteer@maranathahealth.org
Download the Position Description
Download Application form
Download Volunteer Handbook
Uganda: Short-Term Medical Training
Position: Training facilitators
Employment type: Voluntary
Role description: Maranatha Health is committed to training and teaching Ugandan health workers to improve the patient care offered by those workers. To this end MH is keen to engage medically trained Australians to assist with teaching and training Ugandan staff (at this stage not nurses). This training can often be done from afar, such as via Skype, but there are also opportunities for volunteers to come to Uganda to do some intensive training for 3+ weeks.
The key areas that we would currently appreciate support in are as follows:
If you are interested in supporting us in such areas, we would love to hear from you: volunteer@maranathahealth.org.
Download Medical Position Description
Download Application form
Download Volunteer Handbook