Affordable Healthcare = A Brighter Future

In the midst of a global cost of living crisis, the need to support communities in developing countries is more critical than ever. Even at the best of times, many families in Western Uganda struggle to afford basic necessities, let alone essential healthcare services. Without access to affordable healthcare, preventable diseases and conditions can become life-threatening. 

Despite the cost of living crisis, Maranatha Health continues to work tirelessly to provide the best possible medical care and health education to those who normally can’t access it. And your support is crucial. 

In the words of MH Uganda Board Chair, Nicholas, Your donations make medical services available and also affordable. Not so many people here can afford full medical services, but you make that possible here at Maranatha Health. [Watch Nicholas’s full message here].

Your end of financial year donation enables us to continue to offer affordable healthcare initiatives, both in the Maranatha Health clinic and in the villages. As we look ahead to a new financial year, we invite you to help us further the encouraging growth in outcomes we are seeing in Uganda, and provide brighter futures to thousands more children.


$50 Provides treatment for 2 children with severe malaria

$100 Provides start-up capital to expand the Village Health Leader program 

$500 Grows our ability to treat chronic illness, investing in ongoing lab testing

$2,500 Pays the salary of an enrolled nurse for a month at the MH hospital

$3,000 Expands the education classes we deliver to families at the MH hospital

$10,000 Kickstarts our plan of establishing a purpose-built health facility


Thank you for your support [Click here for a message of thanks from MH Uganda staff]. Together we can build healthier communities and a brighter future for all.


As always, donations are tax deductible and can be made either through
GiveNow via the donate button
or bank transfer:

Account: Maranatha Health 
BSB: 633-000 
Account: 137833422
Description: Your name + EOFY




  E: contact@maranathahealth.org   A: 2A Bretwalder Ave, Leabrook, South Australia 5068   ABN: 15 928 552 503

© Maranatha Health 2013-2024